To report Elder Abuse/Neglect, call Protective Services at 1-800-490-8505
To report Elder Abuse/Neglect, call Protective Services at 1-800-490-8505
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Is there a charge for services?
Many of the services are provided on a partial fee basis. Depending on the outcome of the free assessment and the particular service or services determined to be needed, a consumer would generally be required to pay a partial fee or donate part of the cost of services.
Do you offer housecleaning?
No, there must be a need for personal care.
Can I get paid as a caregiver for neighbors or family members?
The person needs to be referred for a free assessment to determine what program he/she may be medically/financially eligible for.
My parents are struggling to care for themselves and I was told the Area Agency on Aging may be able to help keep them in their home. What kind of services does the Area Agency on Aging provide?
The area agency on aging provides a variety of aging services including home and community based programs. Home and community based services include the OPTIONS program and Caregiver Support Program (CSP).
What is the OPTIONS program?
OPTIONS is a program for individuals that need assistance with personal care in the home such as bathing or dressing assistance. Generally, individuals on the OPTIONS program have need for only a few hours of help per week. A free assessment is done to determine eligibility.
What is the Caregiver program?
Caregiver Support programs are designed to reduce caregiver stress and burden in caring for an older adult. Reimbursement may be provided for services and supplies needed to reduce stress and burden to a primary caregiver.
How do I find out if my parents qualify for services?
A free assessment on the older adult is done by the Area Agency on Aging. The outcome of that assessment will help to determine which program an individual may be eligible to receive.
I was told by my neighbor that she had to apply for medical assistance in order to get her parent help in the home; is this requirement for all home and community based services or just the waiver program?
In January 2015 the Pennsylvania Department of Aging implemented "mandatory enrollment". Mandatory enrollment requires any individual that is determined to be Nursing Facility Clinically Eligible (NFCE) must apply for medical assistance. If eligible for medical assistance that individual would receive services through a waiver program. If ineligible for medical assistance, the individual may receive services through other Home and Community Based services if all other program requirements are met.
Will my parents need to provide information on their finances in order to receive help in the home through the Area Agency on Aging?
What should I do if I have suspicions that an older adult is being abused, neglected or exploited?
Call 1-800-490-8505 and report the information.
If an older adult is being abused will they be put in a nursing home?
Not necessarily. The Area Agency on Aging will always seek the least restrictive environment for an older adult being abused, neglected or exploited. In most cases the older adult is able to remain at home with services put in place to support the older adult in their own home.
What are the eligibility criteria for Home Delivered Meals?
An individual must be homebound, have no one to cook a meal, be unable to reheat or fix simple meals, unable to shop or order take-out meals and must be determined to be nutritionally at risk through a standardized assessment. All Home delivered meals are provided on a short term basis.
Who is considered an older adult?
Age 60 and over.
What area does your agency cover?
McKean, Cameron, and Elk Counties.
Do you provide cash assistance for older adults?
Are there any programs provided to individuals under 60?
Yes. The grand parenting program, Dom Care and Family Caregiver for individuals with disabilities that do NOT qualify for a waiver program or with early onset dementia.
What is the "Grand parenting program?"
A program for individuals 55 and older that are caring for a grandchild (18 years or younger) with mental or physical disabilities in the same household and the grandparent is the primary caregiver. Benefits available may include care management and reimbursement for certain services and supplies for needed care of the grandchild.
What is Family Caregiver for individuals with Disabilities?
Program eligibility include a caregiver age 55 and older caring for a relative age 19-59 (excluding a parent/child relationship) with a disability and living with the caregiver.
What is Dom Care?
Dom Care is a private home that is opened up to individuals 18 and older who need assistance with activities of daily living and are unable to live independently. Dom Care is a family like setting that may house up to 3 individuals.
I am not in need of in home help. Are there any programs that the Office of Human Services/Area Agency on Aging has available for someone like me?
Yes. The Area Agency on Aging has 13 senior centers within the three counties that offer a hot meal and socialization. Hours are set by the local senior centers. The Area Agency on Aging also has programs such as PA MEDI or insurance counseling for individuals with questions on Medicare supplements or part D plans. The Area Agency on Aging also offers information and referral services which may include information on long term care planning or referrals to community resources.